Producers, sellers and buyers of commodities all live with price risk, where prices fluctuate between the time of sale and the time of delivery. Price fluctuation can be particularly dramatic w
Mooring update: The adoption of amended SOLAS regulation II-1/3-8 (resolution MSC.474(102)), which entered into force on 1 January 2024, and the approval of the Revised guidance on shipbo
Each year, PSC regimes identify a specific focus area to be checked during regular inspections. For the current year, the Paris and Tokyo MoUs agreed to run a CIC on the topic of crew wages and Seafar
BIMCO's WINDSEACON project is making steady progress in developing a time charter party for supply of a vessel for the purpose of transportation and installation of offshore wind turbine gener
Market strength remains predicated on Red Sea reroutings
Supply/demand balance
We have revised our assumption regarding when ships might return to
WRECKSTAGE 2024 is a standard wreck removal and services agreement based on payment of a lumpsum in stages. The revised agreement introduces a Risk Allocation Procedure which allows parties to
Port State Control
Progress and performance; highlights of the Paris MoU 2023
More information:
Amendments to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS Convention) – mandatory reporting for containers lost at sea
In May, the Maritime Safety Committee (M
Despite efforts made in the past by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) to improve the safety of pilot transfer arrangements (PTA), and with good results, accidents, including tragic
The BIMCO Documentary Committee has added to our existing library of ETS clauses by adopting three innovative ETS Clauses for Contracts of Affreightment (COAs). These clauses address Emission T