International maritime law
- Bill of lading - as a security in the common law system
- Changes to the shipbuilding contract - contractual challenges and legal risks
- The booking note (booking note). Part II
- Shipbuilding contract force majeure - causal relationship
- Time charter - withdrawal of a ship from charter selected issues
- Voyage charter - demurrage selected issues
- Change of classification regulations in shipbuilding
- The Thorco Lineage [2023] - cargo economic damage
- Hague-Visby rules - legal scope of application. Part I
- Shipbuilding agreement - disputes regarding changes to the agreement
- Bill of lading - general characteristics under English law
- Booking note. Part I
- Shipbuilding contract - force majeure under English law
- Charter on time - delay in payment of \"hire\" - selected issues
- Voyage charter - \"demurrage\"
- Bill of lading - demise clause
- Ship accident - claims of crew members (American jurisprudence)
- Scope of freight contracts - Hague-Visby Rules
- Bill of lading - the role of the captain in issuing (and sealing) the bill of lading
- Amendments to the shipbuilding contract - modifications
- Shipbuilding contract - force majeure
- Time charter - shipowners rights in case of delay in payment of hire
- Voyage charter - charging period formulas \"lay-time\"
- Charterer\'s bill of lading - selected issues
- Contractual penalties in shipbuilding. A complex web of obligations and legal implications
- English insurance policies - the situation after Brexit
- General characteristics and scope of application (English law). The Hague-Visby Rules
- Liquidated damages - contractual penalties in a shipbuilding contract
- Bill of lading - \"soiling\" of the bill of lading/LOI
- Shipbuilding contract - prevention principle
- Specialised vessels - specific contractual requirements
- Time charter - withdrawal of vessel from charter
- Voyage charter - rigid formula charging period. Part II
- Bill of lading and charterers privileges
- Time charter - will the shipowner pay for ship fuel
- Haque-Visby rules in the English legal system
- Bill of lading - release of cargo on the basis of a named bill of lading
- Bill of lading - release of cargo based on LOI
- Shipbuilding contract - effects permissible delay
- Charter on time - violation of the obligation to pay hire
- Guarantee on first demand in shipbuilding contracts. Part 1
- Voyage charter - charging period in rigid formula. Part 1
- Bill of lading and charter contract
- The bill of lading - the American jurisdiction clause. Part II
- Bill of lading - release of cargo on the basis of a bill of lading and sea waybill
- Shipbuilding contract - permissible delay
- Voyage charter - end of charge period
- Hague-Visby Rules - Paramount Clause
- Australian Federal Government rejects plans to build renewable energy terminal
- Bill of lading - american jurisdictional clause
- Termination of a contract under English law. Part II
- Bill of lading - misdelivery indemnification clauses
- Ship purchase agreement MOA - selected issues under English law. Part II
- New York State launches fourth offshore wind tender
- Shipbuilding contract - notification of \"permissible delay\" (\"force majeure\")
- Time charter - off-hire
- Voyage charter - counting and suspension of charging period
- Paramount clause - charter bill of lading
- The Windward Offshore Consortium
- Termination of a contract under English law (Part I)
- Contract for the sale of a ship - selected issues under English law
- Time charter - clause \"off-hire\". Part III
- Voyage charter - charging period
- Bill of lading in the English legal system
- US wind farms under question mark
- The Ever Given - first clash
- Bill of lading - determining the weight of the bulk cargo
- Shipbuilding contract - delays in ship construction and delivery. Part I
- Time charter - \"Off-hire\" clause. Part II
- Voyage charter - Supersession clauses
- The Shagang Giant 2022 - Ship delivery location according to MOA
- Bill of lading - issuing cargo based on a forged bill of lading
- Shipbuilding contract - procedure for amending the contract
- Time charter - off-hire clause (Part I)
- Voyage charter - lien and exemption clause
- Bill of lading and freight contract
- The ZouZou case [2022] and mortgagee protection. Part II
- Bill of lading - selected practical issues
- Shipbuilding contract - change in classification regulations
- Time charter hire - selected issues
- Voyage charter - Cesser Clause
- Bill of lading - not proper clausing Part II
- The case The ZouZou 2022 and the security of mortgagees interest. Part I
- Bill of lading - not proper clausing Part I
- CMA CGM LIBRA 2020 - unseaworthiness of the ship
- Bill of lading - Himalaya Clause
- Shipbuilding contract - amendments to the contract Modifications. Part II
- Voyage charter - loading selected issues part 2
- Time charter - payment terms hire
- Bill of lading - making comments (soiling) of the bill of lading
- Bill of lading - contractual exclusion of the obligation to deliver cargo under the bill of lading
- Voyage charter - Mate\'s receipt
- Shipbuilding contract - amendments to the contract Modifications Part I
- Time charter - hire charter fee
- Voyage Chartering - Loading selected issues Part I
- Through bill of lading
- Bill of lading - release of cargo without a bill of lading \"The Sienna\" 2022
- Arbitration and maritime law in China
- Shipbuilding contract - approval of contracts and projects (Part II)
- Time charter - \"payment in advance\"
- Voyage charter - loading, rights and obligations of the parties
- Bill of lading - freight forwarder (legal relationship)
- Eternal Bliss - demurrage as the maximum amount of compensation
- Bill of lading - \"spent B/L\"
- Shipbuilding Agreement - Approval of Plans and Designs Part I
- Time charter - hire payments
- Voyage charter - loading clauses
- Bill of lading - special cargo clauses (disclaimers) [Part 2].
- Recognition and declaration of enforceability of English court judgments in China
- Electronic waybills (\"blockhain\")
- Shipbuilding Contract - special units
- Time charter - terms and cindition of redelivery of the vessel
- Voyage charter - \"full and complete cargo\"
- Delivery of the goods upon presentation of \"on board B/ L\"
- Time charter - Inter-Club Agreement
- Bill of Lading - ship design
- Bill of Lading - a set of original bill of lading
- Time charter - termination of charter (in like good order)
- Voyage czarter - loading the ship
- Freight agreement - US sanctions imposed on Russian entities
- Straight bill of loading
- Time charter, redelivery range
- Voyage charter, failure of cargo delivery to charterer
- Shipbuilding Contract settlement of liquidated damages
- Bill of lading delivery of a load based on a bill of lading
- Time charter handing over the vessel to the charterer delivery. Part 2
- Time charter handing over the vessel to the charterer - delivery. Part I
- Voyage charter loading
- Bill of lading practical aspects related to the transfer of a bill of lading
- Bill of Lading the procedure of transferring the bill of lading (English law)
- Bill of Lading - order bill of lading and bearer bill of lading
- Bill of Lading general characteristics of the English law system
- Shipbuilidng contract liquidated damages [Part 3]
- Shipbuilidng contract liquidated damages [Part 2]
- Shipbuilidng contract liquidated damages [Part 1]
- Time charter delivery of the cargo
- Bill of Lading tortious misrepresentation
- Bill of Lading - as an evidence of the cargo received
- Shipbuilding contract on demand guarantee (Polish Law)
- Shipbuilding contract on demand guarantee (English law)
- Bill of Lading - a declaration concerning the main marks of the cargo
- Voyage charter - time of arrival at the port of loading [Part II]
- Voyage charter - time of arrival at the port of loading [Part I]
- Bill of Lading - Shipped in apparent good order and condition
- Voyage charter initial journey to the port of loading
- Charter - Safe port - Part III
- Charter - safe port - Part II
- Charter - safe port - Part I
- Bill of lading - condition of the goods
- Voyage Charter- nomitaion of the port of loading
- Bill of Lading - declaration of cargo condition - LOI
- Time charter cargo capacity
- Voyage charter - readiness for loading
- Bill of Lading the function of apparent good order and condition
- Time charter - technical characteristics of the vessel
- Time charter-reachable berth
- Bill of lading as receipt as to quantity
- Time charter-the effect of overlap
- Voyage charter - Notice of Rediness
- Bill of lading as receipt for the goods shipped
- Time charter-employment and indemnity (agency) clause
- Voyage charter- berth; dock; port
- Bill of lading and its historical development in the light of English law
- Time charter - off-hire clause
- Voyage charter demurrage (The Eternal Bliss)
- Brexit and English law
- International Forwarding and Brexit
- Contractual clauses regarding the consent of one parties to the contract
- Bareboat charter / demise charter and pursuing claims
- BIMCO is developing a template for the refund guarantee
- IMO works on amendments to the MARPOL convention to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
- Change of the location in the application for a SHP building permit and re-conducting the procedure
- Shipping and the law on saving migrants
- Procedures related to the detection of the presence of Covid-19
- Beirut - the case of the MV Rhosus ship
- British Chamber of Shipping guidelines for ferries during COVID-19
- Bunker sale and delivery contracts - key issues for the buyer
- British Chamber of Shipping guidelines - selected issues
- India - No grounds for charging abandoned cargo
- Maritime Digitization speed up by Covid-19
- COVID-19 - IMO guidelines for ship delay
- Placing the ship on a string
- Shipbuilding contract and the institution of force majeure in the light of English law
- Shipping 2017
- Shipping 2016
- Bills of lading issued based on a voyage charter or a time charter
- Collision between ships - determining the amount of damages in the light of English law (\\\'The Astipalaia’).
- The case of the ‘Athena’ - the ‘off-hire’ issue as per NYPE, 1946
- Interpretation of the ‘ship-to-ship’ charter clause in the light of English law.Analysis of the case - \\\'The Falkonera\\\'
- Bill of Lading (‘Congenbill’) - the effectiveness of the incorporation of the clause pertaining to the English laws and jurisdiction - an analysis of the Channel Ranger case
- LNG - a dangerous cargo?(The LNG Gemini)
- Lapse of claims for undue performance of a contract of carriage and the bankruptcy proceeding in the light of English law [the Sanko Mineral case]
- Shipping 2015
- The Hague-Visby Rules,Hamburg,Rotterdam
- Rotterdam Rules
- Shipbuilding in 20 jurisdictions worldwide
- Insurance & Reinsurance 2013
- Shipping Law 2013
- The American roulette
- Wrecks to be salvaged
- The Largest Disaster
- Cargo Carried by Sea
- The term Shipper - A comparative legal analysis
- Lex Americana and Rotterdam Rules
- Oil Contamination
- Two sides of the Same coin
- Temida Becoming More Severe
- The Third Maritime Package
- Pojęcie Armator w różnych systemach prawnych