Selling or buying ships under FuelEU Maritime introduces challenges for both buyers and sellers. The regulation adds complexity to the process, from managing compliance balances to ensuring compliance
This page provides the text of newly established IACS Unified Requirements (UR) and Unified Interpretations (UI) as well as their most recent revisions and corrigenda. Recent revisions and chan
A recent decision by the Singapore Court of Appeal offers rare insight into how a successful early dismissal application may be treated by the courts in Singapore.
The Singapore
Deadlines for Amendments to SEEMP Part II & Collection and Reporting of Fuel Oil Consumption Data
Amendments to MARPOL Annex VI Appendix IX enter into forc
Time bar for misdelivery claims under the Hague and Hague-Visby Rules.
The case relates to a carriage of non-coking coal cargo from Indonesia to India under bills of lading issued i
The Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) has issued a ‘refusal of access Direction’ to the Netherlands-flagged general cargo ship Marsgracht, banning the ship from entering Australian ports for
The Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) is responsible for administering and enforcing economic sanctions against targeted foreign countries, geographic regions, entities, and individuals t
Exhaust gas cleaning systems (EGCS) – more commonly referred to as scrubbers – are an accepted equivalent measure in complying with the IMO 2020 global sulphur cap. The use of scrubbers has split the
The International Transport Workers Federation (ITF) is a coalition of 670 trade unions representing 19,7 mln workers from nearly 150 countries in all transport sections.
Ukraine is pushing the IMO to take a politically charged approach as it seeks UN support in defending itself against Russia. However, a technical response toward security coupled with arguments about